
Welcome to

Marlborough Girls’ College


Thursday 23rd January

10.00am – 12.00pm  New 2025 Enrolments to Guidance Suite

9.00am – 2.00pm Course changes with Deans. Please book via Schoolpoint

Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th January 

Star Mentors Training – all day

Tuesday 28th, Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th January 

Staff Only Days

Friday 31st January 

Year 9 & New Students – in school all day / Star Mentors & Manutaki

8.45am: Students gather on the tennis courts, and meet their whānau teacher and class.

9.00am – Mihi Whakatau for all new students, their whānau and new staff.

School buses run from this date. The School Canteen will be open. Students should bring their device, pens and paper.  School uniform should be worn.

Monday 3rd February 

8.45am – 3.15pm  ALL students in school.

Students report to their Whānau classes.

Tuesday 4th February 

Timetabled classes begin.

Thursday 6th February 

Waitangi Day – School Closed.

Friday 7th February 

School as usual.


Haere Mai | Welcome

Our purpose is to develop rangatahi who are independent learners with the skills and attributes to make our community, our nation and our world a better place.

The school community works together to challenge and empower everyone to learn and achieve their personal best.

Our school



Our School

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