Learning Conversations with Whānau Teachers
August 8, 2024
Learning Conversations are scheduled for week 5 this term: Wednesday 21st August from 8:30am to 5:00pm. School is closed for instruction on this day.
This is an opportunity for you to meet with your child’s Whānau teacher to review their progress towards their goals and pathways, and is an important way we can develop the learning partnership between home and school.
Appointments are for 20 minutes. Students are expected to be part of these conversations. Should you be unable to attend for any reason, your child is still required to book a time to meet with their Whānau teacher.
Bookings are now open, and will close at 3:30pm on Tuesday 20th August 2024.
To make an appointment, click on this link: https://marlboroughgirls.bridge.school.nz/. You can also access SchoolBridge from our website under ‘Sign In’ at the top of the page.
Log in using your e-mail address registered with us, and click on the Magic Link button on the SchoolBridge page. This will e-mail you a link to access the booking page. If you would prefer the option of a Google Meet, then please note that option when booking your appointment.
If you have any issues logging in, please e-mail the school at the following e-mail address – admin@mgc.school.nz.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Ngā mihi nui
Michelle Tewkesbury
Deputy Principal