Student Life

Manutaki | Student Leaders


Our Manukura/Head Girl for 2025 is Kyla Thorstensen

Kyla will be supported by her Manutāiko/Deputy Head Girl, Harriet McLauchlan, and the Manutaki Rūnanga Ākonga/Head of School Council, Cleo Collins, along with the rest of the Manutaki team.

Kia Ora Koutou!

My name is Kyla Thorstensen and I am honoured to be working as your Manukura, Head girl for 2025! This year will be filled with many exciting opportunities both in and outside of Marlborough Girls’ as we work towards our vast range of academic and extracurricular goals.

With the privilege of my role within our school, I want to ensure this year we are awarding recognition to our students. Making special mentions to those who are consistently striving to make an impact. We are going to celebrate all the little wins in academia, sporting and all other forms, as our students proudly represent our kura, our community and our country. As we recognise those who are reaping the rewards of their mahi, we will continue to encourage others to build new connections through contribution and service, enhance the pride we as students feel with the privilege of attending Marlborough Girls’ College and ensure a sense of belonging is felt to all individuals within our school community.

2025 will be the year that we work together as a collective, striving for positivity and change. I can’t wait to support you all and create a heightened sense of confidence and belonging within our school.

See you all out there! Kyla x

Kia Ora koutou, 

Ko Harriet tōku ingoa, and it is my honour and privilege to be the Manutāiko – Deputy Head Girl of Marlborough Girls College for 2025. I am truly excited for the year ahead and all the opportunities it will bring as we continue to grow together as a kura. 

As I step into this role, I am looking forward to working alongside Manukura/Head Girl (Kyla Thorstensen) and the Manutaki Rūnanga Ākonga/Head of Student Council (Cleo Collins) and the wider manutaki team. Together, we are committed to ensuring that every student at MGC not only feels a sense of belonging within our kura but also knows that their voice is being heard and valued in shaping the future of our school. It is important that every student feels empowered to take part in creating a positive environment in which every student can thrive. 

This year as a collective, we aim to deepen our connection throughout the school, encouraging pride in our achievements and shared vision. We recognise success is not achieved in isolation and that it is through collaboration, mutual support and shared effort that we can make the most meaningful lasting impact. “Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini” – Success is not the work of an individual, but the work of many. As we work towards our goals, I am excited to see how our values of Manaakitanga, Kotahitanga and Whanaungatanga will continue to shine through in all that we do at MGC. I believe that together, we can achieve great things and can’t wait to roll up my sleeves and get involved in all opportunities we have to offer.

Ngā mihi nui,

Harriet McLauchlan

Kia ora!

My name is Cleo Collins and I am honoured and extremely excited to be the Manutaki Rūnanga Ākonga/Head of Student Council for 2025.

This year, I am looking forward to making a change within our kura that has long-lasting beneficial effects on student life at Marlborough Girls, and ripples out to help the community as well. Student voice is here to be heard, and using voices and opinions through our student council will make a difference to how students grow and thrive here at MGC.

I want to change the way students think of their time at MGC. I want to help create a supportive, caring, strong and loving environment for all students to grow in, and feel like they truly belong at our kura. In 2025, we need to focus on ensuring that students feel a sense of pride in MGC, by celebrating successes and using student voice to influence major and minor decisions at school regarding both their hauora and education.

For 2025, we will continue to implement various initiatives from previous student councils, for example; free sanitary product dispensers, breakfast club, and fundraising for organisations and events that will make an impact on the community. As well as this, our council and I will work hard to find solutions to issues that come up over the year, and make Marlborough Girls’ College a supportive place where every student can say, ‘I am proud to have gone to MGC.’

Lots of love to all students at MGC, I am beyond excited to make 2025 an amazing year.

Cleo Collins

Meet Our Manutaki Team

2025 Manutaki

  • Liz Pousima

    Manutaki Pasifika
  • Jess Lovell
    Sophie Kole

    Manutaki Hākinakina | Sport
  • Lily Smith
    Meg Archie

    Manutaki Taiao | Environmental
  • Immy Giles
    Isabella Baldwin
    Georgette Herkt

    Manutaki Toi | Arts
  • Lillian Ligaliga
    Grace McKendry
    Liv Howard

    Manutaki Hauora | Wellbeing
  • Freya Grage
    Jazmyn Graham
    Jemimah O’Donnell

    Manutaki Ako | Teaching & Learning
  • Isabella Posa

    Manutaki Māori
  • Azul Marin Vallejo

    Manutaki Tāwāhi | International
  • Measina Raeli
    Molly Wilkes
    Eliza Glover
    Isabel Gaines

    Manutaki Kaiwhakahau Kaupaopa | Events & Promotions
  • Jess Sinclair
    Grace Gamble
    Mia Lindfield

    Manutaki Hangarau | Digital
  • Chloe Kyle
    Mary Hedgman

    Manutaki Kaiārahi | Stars

2025 House Leaders

  • Charlotte Rose

    Manutaki Awatere
  • Janet Luka

    Manutaki Kaituna
  • Elizabeth Bowron

    Manutaki Ōpaoa
  • Birgitta Prescott

    Manutaki Wairau