Student Support
Pathways and Careers
The Careers office is the place to visit for support with your questions about life after school. Whether you are planning on working, or studying, or even taking a gap year, we can help. We are also able to provide senior students with opportunities for study in a range of fields outside of the MGC curriculum, including Trades training, and work placement experiences.
Appointments can be made by email or through the school booking form available on Schoolbridge.
Ākonga are welcome to call into Careers office before or after school, or at interval and lunchtime. Come and visit us in P9 for information about:
Contact details
For all Careers related support or enquiries, please contact Pathways & Careers Leader – Karen Tattersall
Whaia e koe te iti kahurangi, ki te touhu koe, me maunga teitei
Aim for what is truly valuable, be persistent and don’t let obstacles stop you from persuing your goals