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Finance Office

  • Opening Hours for Students:

    Before school starts
    After school from 3.15 pm to 4 pm

    Parents are welcome anytime from 8.15 am until 4pm.

    The myKindo payment system is the school’s preferred method of payment, so we encourage you to set-up your myKindo account today.

  • 03 5208448 Ext 886

Venue Hire

Please contact Worth Rhine (available Monday, Wednesday, Friday).  Alternatively, you can contact Finance or Reception to make an initial query.

School Donations Scheme Information

Marlborough Girls’ College has opted in to the Schools Donations Scheme. This means the government pays our schools $150 for each enrolled student. Our Board of Trustees considered the options carefully to ensure that students, whānau and our school are not disadvantaged in any way. We are keen to clarify what this means for you and us, especially in terms of what you do not have to pay for, what must be paid for by parents and whānau, and what we may still seek your support for to ensure students have access to the best learning opportunities we can provide.

The School Donations Scheme does have an impact on the school and how we operate financially. This is how it looks to us. 

Parents and whānau will not pay for…

  • You will no longer be asked for a school donation of $180 for your first child and $120 for each sibling. 
  • The government will pay us $150 for each student on our roll, as at 1 July each year. Great news!
  • You will not be asked to pay for subject fees or course contributions for any class or learning programme. This includes day trips or resources for learning, eg. A visit to White’s Bay or Education Perfect. 

The impact…

This will cost the school more as we no longer charge Whānau for materials for a range of subjects, including Arts subjects, Education perfect, Technology subjects and day trips. 

Parents and whānau will be asked to contribute to…

  • We will ask you for a donation for any overnight camps and trips, which are part of learning programmes e.g. Y10 Camp or the Y12 Geography trip to Kaikoura. 
  • You can choose to pay all, some or none of the donation. 
  • Your daughter will be able to take part in the camp or trip regardless of whether you have made a donation.

Impact of this ….

  • We encourage those of you who can to continue to do so, or at least to pay as much of the donation as you can afford.
  • In the long term, we want to continue to offer awesome learning in places outside the school grounds, in and around Marlborough. 
  • If parents continue to contribute to the costs of overnight trips and camps, we will be able to offer great learning opportunities for everyone.

Parents and whānau will continue to pay for 

  • Uniform 
  • Stationery
  • Personal printing and photocopying
  • Extra-curricular activities that are optional e.g. sport, kapa haka trips, visiting drama groups, ski trip
  • Take home items that students make e.g. items of clothing, letter boxes. Families/Whānau will be informed of the choice to purchase so that they are aware of the likely cost.  This does not include food made in Food Tech or Hospitality classes etc. 
  • Enrolment in a tertiary programme
  • School events e.g. Dances and formals

Further information is available from the Ministry of Education by clicking the link here.